Thought I'd chime in here...
There's a new Beta due out later today (or maybe tomorrow) and I've slipped a new feature in it, called the "Jump Menu".
Say you're in a commentary and you see a scripture reference. You tap it to preview it. Now you want to use that reference for your lesson, so you want to add it to the current bookmark folder. I do this a lot, and here's what I have to do (bear with me, it's ugly!)
Click on the >>NASS link to jump to that verse in scripture, tap the verse number, then choose "Create Bookmark". Not too bad. But how do I get back to my commentary? Go to history, switch back to the commentary verse, then find my place in the commentary. It's not that streamlined.
Enter the "Jump Menu". Now, clicking on the >>NASS link brings up a menu for the selected (preview) verse and allows you to:
Bookmark that Verse (without losing your place in the current commentary)
Analzye that Verse (open it up in the Analyze Verse screen)
Jump to that Verse (the current behavior)
That should streamline the "verse collecting" process.