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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Tanach/Tanakh (related to the question about Hebrew)
Last Post 01/02/2009 11:35 PM by burggraf. 6 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

09/17/2008 12:05 AM  
Hi There,

Really been enjoying the Mantis on my iPhone - much easier than carrying a bible when I'm on the road (which is often for me).

I saw the question about Hebrew and your answer - thanks. This is related but different.

Any chance of getting the Tanach (or Tanakh) eg: The Stone Edition published by Mesorah Publications Ltd, First Ed December 1996, 4401 Second Ave Brooklyn, NY, ISBN 0-89906-269-5? Does not need to be this particular one, there are more and less popular ones I'm sure. A quick search for "books" on Amazon shows the Stone edition at the top of the list and many others including a Kindle edition.

In the simplest terms the "Tanach" (or "Tanakh") is the "Old Testament" for the Jewish - it is basically identical to the Christian "Old Testament" except the books are named differently, in a different order, and they are translated by different people resulting in slightly different translations and generally are side-by-side Hebrew/English. The Tanach is made up of three sections: Torah (first 5 books), Prophets and Writings. The five books of the Torah are: Bereishis, Shemos, Vayikra, Bamidbar and Davarim - the books in a Tanach are "named" with the first word of each book so Genesis starts with "In the beginning" or Bereishis...

For people studying the old testament and/or Biblical Hebrew - a copy of the Tanach is a must, and since mine weighs over a Kg (err, about 2.5 lbs) having it on the iPhone would be much easier to carry.

To be most useful it should contain both Hebrew and English and commentary and marginal aids and annotations, however just the English would be a start and the Hebrew could come later. Mac OS 7/8/9 always had great Hebrew support but when Mac OS X was released it seemed to disappear. I believe the latest incarnation of OS X (and therefore the iPhone) has some support, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it's somewhat lacking...



New Member
New Member

09/17/2008 04:41 AM  

I second this request.  Apps store does have a "Tanach", but that's actually an English translation :-(

For a start, I would say that any base text such as BHS, WLT, etc. would be fine, as long as there is display in Hebrew fonts with vowel points.  Commentaries can come in phase 2 ... ;-)

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

09/17/2008 05:08 PM  

We are already working on some Greek and Hebrew texts.  They might be a few more weeks, though, as we struggle to get the fonts to look right.

New Member
New Member

09/17/2008 08:57 PM  
For me it's the ability to have both the Hebrew and English of the Tanach - my Hebrew is not so great that I'd read it that often, but certainly when I want to clarify what is written I like to switch.

Not sure how the Mantis UI could handle this - perhaps like the commentaries, or even better 'click' on the verse and switch to the same verse in the Hebrew/English.

Thanks again!
New Member
New Member

10/09/2008 03:10 PM  

I will be looking forward to when you add the Hebrew Text.  Thanks for looking into it.

New Member
New Member

01/01/2009 11:55 AM  

I noticed from the list of Bibles to purchase on the ipod and iphone you have a Hebrew version but if I go to your site I can't find it.

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

01/02/2009 11:35 PM  

It's not available yet, sorry.  When it's available we'll put something at the top of the home page (and we'll probably send out an email as well.)

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