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Mantis Bible Study Forums
"Tell Me Why!" - Study Bible
Last Post 09/27/2008 08:01 PM by jpohler. 3 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

09/23/2008 08:58 AM  
Would like to have the "So That's Why!" - Study Bible. Not "Tell Me Why! - as we initially submitted. Publisher: Thomas Nelson ISBN: 1418505358 ISBN-13: 9781418505356 Weight: 0.00 lbs Carton Qty: 1 Version: New King James Version Description: To really understand the Bible you need to know why things happened the way they did. That means you need to know the world in which the events took place Step back into biblical times with the So That's Why! Bible. Learn how the Bible's history fits into the context of the ancient world--why things happened, what historical and spiritual principles were involved, and how the events related to each other. Everything you need is here--culture, religion, politics, geography, and much more! The So That's Why! Bible includes the complete text of the New King James Version in chronological order, and a full complement of notes and articles about the historical and cultural backgrounds of Scripture, including timelines, in-text maps, and more.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

09/23/2008 08:04 PM  

Can you tell us who the publisher is?

New Member
New Member

09/27/2008 05:10 PM  
Would like to have the "So That's Why!" - Study Bible Not "Tell Me Why! - as we initially submitted. Publisher: Thomas Nelson ISBN: 1418505358 ISBN-13: 9781418505356 Weight: 0.00 lbs Carton Qty: 1 Version: New King James Version Description: To really understand the Bible you need to know why things happened the way they did. That means you need to know the world in which the events took place Step back into biblical times with the So That's Why! Bible. Learn how the Bible's history fits into the context of the ancient world--why things happened, what historical and spiritual principles were involved, and how the events related to each other. Everything you need is here--culture, religion, politics, geography, and much more! The So That's Why! Bible includes the complete text of the New King James Version in chronological order, and a full complement of notes and articles about the historical and cultural backgrounds of Scripture, including timelines, in-text maps, and more.
New Member
New Member

09/27/2008 08:01 PM  
From Amazon

Product Details
Paperback: 1728 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (September 30, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0718000455
ISBN-13: 978-0718000455
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