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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Pushing for 4.1
Last Post 01/28/2009 08:51 PM by pastorbunker. 12 Replies.
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New Member
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01/16/2009 06:06 PM  

I know, I know, I just got 4.0 upgrade (NASS) I really like the changes, much more user friendly, love the horizintal mode, analyze verse is wonderful, But i am really ready for independent notes, cut and paste, etc. To me that would make this a tool that would make Bible study incredibly "handy". You guys are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.

New Member
New Member

01/16/2009 07:45 PM  

Oh, so you're the one who did the review for Mantis NASS 4.0 in the App Store? :)

Pastor, care to share an opinion on MacArthur notes? I have used Life Application and NIV Study notes in the past. I am doing a Chronological reading plan since the first of the year (without Mantis, unfortunately -- yet!), and Job reads really differently in conjunction with Genesis!


I wonder if Apple accidentally forgot to release the regular Mantis? I am really confused about their approval process and why it's taking so long to release the regular version when the bundled update has been available for 2 days now.. Oh, well, I need to re-read passages on jealousy because that is definitely something I am struggling with right now seeing that you got your hands on 4.0! Oh, well. Maybe the wait is over for the rest of us.


I have already bought NASS some time ago together with 4 other translations (NKJV, KJVRed Letter, NET Premium, and ESV. I also need the Holman translation because it is currently my second favorite after ESV).

New Member
New Member

01/16/2009 08:32 PM  
Be careful how quick you assume. It wasn't me and I don't use MacArthur. I didn't get the free version either but I didn't want to wait for it, so I bought the NASS. My main concern was my programs not transferring, but that turned out to be no problem, everything transferred fine.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

01/17/2009 05:27 AM  

Independent notes are already in the 4.1 beta (the third or fourth beta release already!)

What exactly does everyone want with "cut and paste"?  Where and what do you want to cut and where do you want to paste it?  The iPhone doesn't support this feature yet, but we need to understand what you want to do, exactly.

New Member
New Member

01/17/2009 07:33 PM  

[QUOTE]burggraf wrote

Independent notes are already in the 4.1 beta (the third or fourth beta release already!)

What exactly does everyone want with "cut and paste"?  Where and what do you want to cut and where do you want to paste it?  The iPhone doesn't support this feature yet, but we need to understand what you want to do, exactly.


I didn't request the copy (or cut) and paste, but what I would like to see is the ability to insert a bookmark in the text of the note. What I have seen in a Bible program for the computer (e-sword) is that you can have a Bible reference in your notes turned into a link to the Bible verse. In that program you have your notes in one part of the screen and the Bible in another. I'm not sure how this would be accomplished in Mantis.

So far in Mantis I have been doing effectively the same thing by arranging bookmarks in folders and subfolders and just allowing the Scriptures to speak rather than my notes. This will get better when I can rearrange the bookmarks within a folder in any order I want, which I believe is supposed to be in version 4.


Basic Member
Basic Member

01/17/2009 09:16 PM  

I agree with hoj and would go a little further with the concept. I would also like to be able to insert snippets from any of the study tools into an independent note. If that can be done, then I can live without cut and paste. The ability to cut and paste from the My Notes Editor where you have backed up your notes is sufficient for later rearranging.

Even better would be to have the ability to back up and restore my notes, bookmarks, etc. to my e-mail. It would also be nice to be able to selectively send notes or bookmarks to e-mail.

New Member
New Member

01/17/2009 10:24 PM  

[QUOTE]NedL wrote

I agree with hoj and would go a little further with the concept. I would also like to be able to insert snippets from any of the study tools into an independent note. If that can be done, then I can live without cut and paste. The ability to cut and paste from the My Notes Editor where you have backed up your notes is sufficient for later rearranging.

Even better would be to have the ability to back up and restore my notes, bookmarks, etc. to my e-mail. It would also be nice to be able to selectively send notes or bookmarks to e-mail.


It is sufficient for me to have links in the topical notes to go to the referenced Scripture. I would use those notes to guide study according to a topic, and once into the Bible all the study aids are available from there. Hopefully when you return to the notes you'll be where you were before using the link.


Veteran Member
Veteran Member

01/17/2009 11:09 PM  

If I understand correctly what you're asking for.... that's already IN 4.0!

Let's say I'm typing a note like this:

As stated in Gen 1:1-2....

When I view that note, the "Gen 1:1-2" becomes a blue "link".  Tapping that link opens the text of Genesis 1:1-2 using the currently selected Bible.  The link works just like the scripture links throughout the commentaries and dictionaries.

What I believe Ned is asking for is a way to do the same kind of thing with commentary, which would be possible, but a bit more complex.

Basic Member
Basic Member

01/17/2009 11:33 PM  

I would like to be able to actually put a verse or pieces of actual text from a study resource into a global note so that my typed study notes along with Scripture verses and text from study resources makes for a complete study note. When backed up it could be cut and pasted into word processing software for further editing.


New Member
New Member

01/19/2009 08:34 PM  

[QUOTE]NedL wrote

I would like to be able to actually put a verse or pieces of actual text from a study resource into a global note so that my typed study notes along with Scripture verses and text from study resources makes for a complete study note. When backed up it could be cut and pasted into word processing software for further editing.



I agree with ned. I would like to be able to pull quotes out of the text and insert them into my independent notes. The option to email them would be a great alternative to syncing them, since that option probably will not be available. If I am preparing a message or a portion of a message, as it is now, I have to retype it into my PC or preach from my iPod.
New Member
New Member

01/25/2009 12:10 AM  

[QUOTE]burggraf wrote

Independent notes are already in the 4.1 beta (the third or fourth beta release already!)

What exactly does everyone want with "cut and paste"?  Where and what do you want to cut and where do you want to paste it?  The iPhone doesn't support this feature yet, but we need to understand what you want to do, exactly.



I have a note program on ipod that has the ability to cut and paste.  it is called magicpad. I am not sure who makes it but i utilize it on my ipod touch now. Perhaps Mantis can check into this. Also, the email part would really be a great alternative to syncing. There are many nights i wake up and bring my ipod with me and read and take notes. It would be great if i could email those to myself instead of re-typing them.

I would like to hear some response on this feature, for me this is probably the "make it" or "break it" part of the program.

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

01/26/2009 05:33 AM  

When we say the iPhone doesn't support cut and paste, we mean there's no official way to do it.  There are plenty of workarounds, but none sanctioned by the Apple SDK and design guidelines.

While we don't offer emailing of notes at this point, we do have an online note editor in open beta at the web site that'll allow you to cut and paste your notes into any word processor.

New Member
New Member

01/28/2009 08:51 PM  

[QUOTE]burggraf wrote

When we say the iPhone doesn't support cut and paste, we mean there's no official way to do it.  There are plenty of workarounds, but none sanctioned by the Apple SDK and design guidelines.

While we don't offer emailing of notes at this point, we do have an online note editor in open beta at the web site that'll allow you to cut and paste your notes into any word processor.


Aaahhh. *light bulb goes on* O.K. Thanks. This will work for that part.

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