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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Notes always up
Last Post 01/22/2009 02:21 AM by hoj. 3 Replies.
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01/20/2009 05:11 PM  

I for one am requesting the ability to have the notes up all the time... right under the text as a split window thing... so that I can add notes while I am reading. So it would be Scripture 1/3 of the screen, notes area 1/3 of the screen and then the keyboard for 1/3 of the screen!

It's kinda hard to always jump out of the text (even though it pops up over the text) to write some notes down.

It would be cool if the notes editor could track which verse your on automatically. So that when you start typing it auto inserts the vs number!

New Member
New Member

01/20/2009 11:43 PM  

[QUOTE]oralia80 wrote

I for one am requesting the ability to have the notes up all the time... right under the text as a split window thing... so that I can add notes while I am reading. So it would be Scripture 1/3 of the screen, notes area 1/3 of the screen and then the keyboard for 1/3 of the screen!

It's kinda hard to always jump out of the text (even though it pops up over the text) to write some notes down.

It would be cool if the notes editor could track which verse your on automatically. So that when you start typing it auto inserts the vs number!


The keypad takes up half the screen to start with. That would only leave a quarter of the screen for the notes while typing and a quarter for the Bible text. It would actually be less than that because some of it would likely be used for a book and verse reverence in a title ares. If you are in landscape mode the keypad takes up even more of the screen.

It might be just as helpful to have the available screen for reviewing what you are typing. You can't have it all ways on the small screen.


Basic Member
Basic Member

01/21/2009 03:49 AM  

Okay - I pretty much figured that there was not a viable solution to allow the display of the text of the current resource, the note, and the keyboard at the same time, but this post got me thinking.

What if there was a floating kind of index on the side of the notes screen, like the corner selectors that exist in the program. The floating index would overlay the keyboard and note area with the numbers of the entries for the current resource, e.g., the verse numbers of a Bible chapter, when you put your finger on a non-input part of the screen, and would pop up a 2 to 4 line display over the keyboard (so you could see what you typed so far), like the verse selector pops up a box with the word "Verse" & the verse number, only bigger, and display the verse that you have selected from the index. If you slide your finger on the index, it could display whatever verse/entry from the current chapter of the selected resource you touch. If you take your finger off the special spot on the screen the pop up and index would disappear.

At least that would allow you to refresh your memory and then keep typing without exiting notes.

I bet Mantis could pull this off :)


New Member
New Member

01/22/2009 02:21 AM  

I agree it would be nice to be able to refresh memory without exiting notes. When in the notes editor there is a "Done" button on the upper right corner. How about a "Review" button on the upper left corner? Then the keypad can hide and that lower half of the screen would be available to review the Bible or commentary that you were creating the note for. Then you could toggle back to the keypad by tapping on the notes area (or a button that could replace the "review" button).


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