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February 28, 2025
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Mantis Bible Study Forums
The Bible Knowledge Commentary
Last Post 02/28/2009 07:38 PM by oralia80. 7 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

01/29/2009 05:23 PM  

I would love to see The Bible Knowledge Commentary make it's way to Mantis! A great commentary set by Walvoord and Zuck.

New Member
New Member

01/30/2009 04:07 PM  

I echo this request.  Would be a great addition to a great product


New Member
New Member

02/20/2009 08:58 AM  
yes this would be a great tool to have. Quality but the notes are not extremely long.

New Member
New Member

02/28/2009 02:50 PM  
sure! i have these big books.
i like it and worth to me.
i know Olive have it
But I like Mantis so i wait for it!
Hope will soon have it!
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

02/28/2009 03:30 PM  
I believe we are waiting for permission from the publisher on this title.
Basic Member
Basic Member

02/28/2009 05:03 PM  
I have heard other people recommend works by the author, John Walvoord. Do you know how the Bible Knowledge Commentary compares to the David Guzik Bible Commentary? They both sound like conservative commentaries. I figured that one or both would be good additions to my Mantis study resources.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

02/28/2009 05:29 PM  
I'm not sure about the Bible Knowledge Commentary, but feel free to read the Guzik commentary online to get a deeper understanding of it. I think we have a link to it on our product page, or you can just Google him.

Speaking of commentaries, is anyone here a fan of Matthew Poole (besides Charles Spurgeon, that is? :) )
New Member
New Member

02/28/2009 07:38 PM  
I am very familiar with both Guzik and The Bible Knowledge Commentaries... As a pastor I use both of them on a regular basis! They are similar in their approach to the text....

Guzik's commentaries are actually his outlines he preaches from (modified slightly). They are very practical and are somewhere between an overview and in depth commentary. Not so technical, but not fluff either. Great balance, very enjoyable to read. In the same camp as Kent Hughes or Warren Wiersbe ect... if you are familiar with them. His commentaries fall more into the sermonic or expositional forms.

The Bible Knowledge Commentary is a two volume commentary set on the entire Bible. Walvoord and Zuck are the editors (as well as contributors to certain books), but this work comes out of the Dallas Theological Seminary Staff. It aims to give an "in depth overview" so it is not strictly an overview, nor is it very in depth.... it's in the middle. Offering a great, high level look at the scriptures.
It falls into the expositional form of commentary writing.

I highly recommend both of these works for their scholarly treatment of the text, relevant background information and practical instruction/application.

That's my two pennies on the topic.

Oh and Mark... Matthew Poole is awesome!

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