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February 28, 2025
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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Modern Scholarly Commentary
Last Post 05/06/2009 03:36 AM by Jimf. 6 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

02/09/2009 06:10 PM  
I love my Mantis Bible Software.
I think it is the best user interface and has features that are just amazing.

I have purchased a number of different Bibles and resources, and I am very happy with everything. The only thing that I feel is missing is a modern scholarly commentary.

I purchased the commentary by Dr. Vernon McGee; he is lovely teacher, but his commentary is more like a sermon than a critical commnentary.

I purchased John MacArthur's Study Notes, which are wonderful and very instructive, but as study notes they are much more limited in scope than his commentary.

People have posted requests or suggestions of various commentaries that might be available; everyone has their personal favorite. Before my iPhone, I used a wonderful commentary by Thomas Constable that is available in iSilo format.

I know that it is a painstaking process to contact the publishers and get their approval. Is there anything "on the horizon?"

Thanks again for a great program.

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

02/09/2009 06:41 PM  
We're working with two major publishers, trying to bring more commentaries to the iPhone. I can't report anything yet, other than to say we're definitely working on this.

In the very near future though, we're working on the HCSB Bible and some Hebrew texts.
New Member
New Member

02/09/2009 07:54 PM  
Thanks for the update!
New Member
New Member

03/17/2009 12:12 PM  
Any possibility of work by Tom Wright or John Stott?
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

03/17/2009 02:56 PM  
Depends on who the publishers are. If you can email this information to us at support, we'll let you know if we can get these.
New Member
New Member

04/25/2009 12:07 PM  
The work of N.T. Wright, also called Tom Wright, would be a huge value to your commentary offerings. His commentary series
".....for Everyone" is awesome. He is a world class Bible scholar, the Bishop of Durham in The Church of England and the publisher is
Westminster John Knox Press. NT Wright has a huge reader base and I would love to see his work on Mantis!
New Member
New Member

05/06/2009 03:36 AM  
I would like to see Warr. Wiersbe's commentary.
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