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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Cross references
Last Post 09/24/2009 07:00 PM by burggraf. 1 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

09/24/2009 06:03 PM  
I would like an add-on the when I touch a verse number I have to option to view the cross references for that verse. Much like the cross references in the center of a lot of Bibles. References where this verse shows connection with other verses through out the Bible. I have TSK, but it not exactly what I'm asking for. Just the normal center cross references found in most Bibles.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

09/24/2009 07:00 PM  
Both the NIV and HCSB versions of the Bible we offer contain a huge set of cross references. Click on Support then Video Tutorials at the top of this page, then watch the NIV video to see it in action. It's exactly what you want.

The TSK will also do this very well if you're using the 4.3.0 version of Mantis. The BYOSB (Build Your Own Study Bible) feature allows you to tap a verse number, then tap TSK to see all the cross references.
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