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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Analyze verse feature suggestion...
Last Post 05/11/2009 06:51 PM by bigd4316. 4 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

05/11/2009 05:04 PM  
You have an excellent tool here, and I have already used it much more than I anticipated I probably would.

I have a suggestion for the "Analyze Verse" feature regarding word studies.

Currently you use a similar format on all your little "tabs".

- The "Compare" tab has all of your version and you click on the "show/hide" button to view the ones you want.
- The "Commentary" tab shows the text in your "default" version and then has a "show/hide" button to show the commentary notes you want
- The "Define" tab shows the text in your "default" version and then has a "show/hide" button for each dictionary that is indexed by English.

Now I don't know how feasible these are... these similarities may be to keep load time/memory usage down, but here are my suggestions for what would be a more ideal interface.

- The Compare versions is fine (Good job :))
- The Commentary tab should always leave the verse that you are viewing the entry for at the top, like the title bar at the top.
- The Define tab is where I would really like to see an overhaul. It's would make more sense to stay with your structure for the "Strong's" linked versions of the bible than to use the "hide/show" tabs at the bottom. And it would be excellent to perhaps be able to view more than one verse of the text at a time while doing this.

Here is what I envision for the "Define" tab... and maybe this needs to be a seperate feature that takes a second to load... (I'd be fine with that... it's for doing word studies :))

You should be able to select and view a section of scripture... (a verse limit if necessary) and then all you have to do is click on a word like you do now, BUT have it bring up a link to EVERY resource that has a definition for that word inline like in the Strong's compatible versions.

Perhaps you could leave the underlines from versions that have Strong's to indicate that that particular word has definitions in all Strong's resources as well as other resources that are indexed by english words.

Anyway... great product... just my two cents on ways you could link features together more cleanly. Really any way that you can think of to link all word study tools into one place where they can all be used would be excellent.

Thank you so much for all the work you do on this. It is an amazing resource to me in my ministry! :)
New Member
New Member

05/11/2009 05:06 PM  
Also it'd be nice to be able to modify your posts on this board when you realize after re-reading it that there is a silly typo lol....
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

05/11/2009 06:29 PM  
You should have the ability to edit your posts (at least I do.) After I make a post, I have an "Edit" button that allows me go go back and fix them.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm not sure we'd be able to manage what you're asking for, though, at least without killing the performance of the reader screen. But we'll look into it, though.
New Member
New Member

05/11/2009 06:50 PM  
yea... I understand that it would probably be a big undertaking... which is why i also suggested that maybe it could be a separate feature somewhere... a "word study" tool.. separate from the "analyze" tool...

anyway... just my thoughts. Thanks for the quick response :)
New Member
New Member

05/11/2009 06:51 PM  
oh... and you probably have an edit button because you are an administrator... to my knowledge for general users there is no such function... at least if there is I don't see it
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