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March 12, 2025
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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Memorization Crashes Mantis on 3GS
Last Post 04/04/2010 06:06 AM by burggraf. 3 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

03/30/2010 01:06 PM  
I just downloaded 4.7.0 and everytime I select a verse and then click the heart for memorization Mantis crashes.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

03/30/2010 02:27 PM  
We cannot duplicate this problem in extensive testing. However, with bugs like this, it is sometimes caused when you have an "old" installation of Mantis, that is, you had 3.0 then upgraded to 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, and then 4.7. Sometimes a fresh install is needed and that solves problems like this.

If you do need to reinstall, make sure you go to the bookmarks screen and tap "Backup", "Backup Now" to back up bookmarks, notes, etc.

You will have to download any purchases you have made, but they will all show up as "Ready to Download" automatically.
New Member
New Member

04/04/2010 12:54 AM  
I thought someone might bring this up. I have an old 1G (i think) ipod touch. I bought the NLT in order to get 4.7. So, everything was a fresh install with the NLT. Mine crashes too when I tap the Memorization icon. I do have a ton of bibles commentaries, etc on my ipod if that makes a difference. Great app though!
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/04/2010 06:06 AM  
It would be helpful if you could email support with the specifics of your situation so we can try to narrow it down for you.

Also, there's a 4.7.1 update that was just released -- please try to install that update and let us know if it still occurs for you.
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