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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Global Notes Issues
Last Post 12/11/2010 02:24 AM by burggraf. 8 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

12/06/2010 03:55 AM  
I'm having issues with global notes. At first i thought it was something simple so i posted in the "ask the developers" forum, but then burggraf said its probably a bug. So i thought i'd post here in case anyone else had trouble with the global notes features.

For me, my first 10-12 notes seem to work great, but note #13 won't open, or if it does it opens the wrong note. Completely weird. Nothing seems to fix.

Using an ipad with mantis 4.9.1 and iOS 4.2.

Has anyone else had global notes issues?

I really like how ot works when it works. I think it'll revolutionoze how i give bible studies and preach once i can load all my sermons on without this issue.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

12/06/2010 05:14 AM  
Please contact support about this so we're able to help you.
New Member
New Member

12/10/2010 02:33 AM  

I did, no response.

And the update didn't fix it either :((

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

12/10/2010 03:49 AM  
We have not received any email from you. Maybe try using the "contact us" page on the web site -- see if you can get through that way?
New Member
New Member

12/10/2010 11:33 AM  
I did that on the 5th, but i'll try again
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

12/10/2010 06:41 PM  
Something must be blocking your messages. Maybe try both Support and CustomerService email addresses.
New Member
New Member

12/10/2010 10:40 PM  
i send something through the "contact us" page, but what email addresses??? i can't find any email addresses anywhere on the website.
where do i find it? could you just post those addresses here?

here is what i posted:

"hey, my name is Chris Quevedo, and my global notes aren't working.
i'm currently using an ipad with iOS 4.2, and mantis 4.9.2.

i put lots of bible studies into my mantis app (about 17-20) and some work, but some don't. I can't figure out why.

When i open a note i have like a 50/50 chance of it opening. some times when i click the 3 little dots next to the note it expands and shows the note, or sometimes it shows a completely incorrect note. so if i open a note titled "salvation" it may open a note titled, "mark of the beast". i can't figure out why. if i delete the "mark of the beast" note so it can't show the "mark of the beast" note, then opening the "salvation" note shows nothing at all. i tried reinstalling, i tried updating to the new mantis, i tried checking my studies for errors. no clues.

can you please help. i tried sending something to you guys on the 5th but got no response. i know you are busy, but please try and help if its possible.

thanks and god bless you for making such a wonderful app, i really like it.
New Member
New Member

12/10/2010 10:44 PM  
hey got a response! thanks for much!
even if it takes time to get fixed, i'm happy.
i know that bugs like this can be pesky
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

12/11/2010 02:24 AM  
This turned out to be text pasted from a word processor that had turned double-quotes and single-quotes into special back and forward-angled quotes. These non-standard characters cause a problem in notes.
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