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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Eph 2:10 (NASB) Analyze -> Define 'works,' VINE
Last Post 02/05/2011 06:35 AM by burggraf. 1 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

02/01/2011 10:07 PM  
I have NASB (without strongs) and VINE installed on Mantis 4.9.4 (latest as of 2nd Feb 2011) on iPhone 4 (running iOS 4.2.1 8C148).

If I read Eph 2:10 in NASB and click 'Analyze' then 'Define' I see the instruction 'Tap a word ro view its definition.'

So I tap the word 'works' and what is highlighted is 'works,' and no match is found in VINE.

However VINE has a comprehensive definition for 'work'.

I believe that there are one or two bugs:
1) highlight on define screen should not include punctuation
2) highlight on define screen should search for singular not plural (ie: work, not works)

Highlighting 'works,' should result in finding the vine definition for 'work'.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

02/05/2011 06:35 AM  
At this time, the define screen does not account for plurals. However, if, while you're in the reader screen, you tap and hold on "works", then you can adjust the blue handles to select just the word "work", you can then tap More, Define, and tap [VINE] to see the definition.
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