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March 13, 2025
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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Crashes when just sitting there as I read!
Last Post 04/03/2011 11:51 PM by burggraf. 3 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

03/27/2011 05:49 AM  
POOF! Mantis crashes and closes in the blink of an eye! ...leaving me staring at the iPad's main screen. :blink: It does this about 3 times an hour, no matter what Bible or book is open in it. It crashes when it's just sitting there as I read it, not even touching it! POOF!

FYI: My iPad is all up to date at this writing and I have plenty of free disk space left on it. My OS is all up-to-date and my iPad was just cold re-booted before I opened Mantis for Bible study! Also, I do not have too many apps loaded into my iPad either. Mantis did this during while I was also reading the free KJV as well.

Sadly, after it crashes and I re-start Mantis, my book, chapter and verse location is all gone and Mantis has re-set the whole Bible back to Genesis 1:1. This is not the kind of Bible study I need every night. I just spent $98.00 on Mantis Bibles and books a few hours ago. I've got to finish my study plan tonight without Mantis because I don't have time left to play crash games, so it's back to old reliable YouVision, where at least I know it does no crash! This is so heart breaking!:(
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

03/28/2011 03:35 PM  
We have never had a report like this with the iPad 2, so it sounds like you may have a corrupt installation. Please try the following steps to reload Mantis:

Go to the bookmarks screen and tap Backup, Backup Now to make sure your bookmarks, notes, and highlights are backed up to our server.

Delete Mantis from your device.

Reboot your device. (Hold down the top button and the home button and keep holding both buttons until the Apple logo appears, then release both buttons.)

Go to the App Store icon, search for Mantis Bible, and install the free version of Mantis.

All your prior purchases will show up as "Ready to Download" automatically. You can tap to download them at your leisure.

If you have bookmarks and notes backed up, go to Bookmarks, Backup, Restore. If you want to be extra-safe, restore bookmarks, notes, and/or highlights separately and do not restore settings.
New Member
New Member

04/03/2011 06:07 AM  
Like I said in my post, phenomenal design but horrible reliability. I have lost so many studies in prep for delivery!!!! I feel like you do totally burnt!
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/03/2011 11:51 PM  
You should really never lose any data. A simple reboot should dramatically improve reliability and provide a smoother operating experience for all your apps. If you continue to have problems, please email support and we can try to help you out. In some cases, users who have upgraded though many releases can benefit by backing up their data, then deleting and reinstalling Mantis, which gives them a fresh installation.
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