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March 13, 2025
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Welcome to the Mantis Bible Study Discussion Forums!  This is the place to discuss the Mantis Bible Study for Apple iPhone and iPod Touch software, report bugs you find, request or ask questions about new software features, or request new Bible versions or other study tools.

Mantis Bible Study Forums
note, searches and scrollers
Last Post 04/19/2011 04:47 PM by burggraf. 1 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

04/17/2011 11:49 PM  
Good Day

I have been using Mantis Bible app for a couple of weeks now. While I believe the design of your product seems to be well thought out, I seem to be having consistent problems in a number of areas.

1. On several occasions, ALL of my note files have vanished.
For no apparent reason, the screen simply goes blank and every one
of notes are lost. It is at the point where I have absolutely no confidence in this applications ability to store note files.

2. When I go into the scearch screen, and use advanced search, the search box at the top of my screen (where I would type my word or phrase I'm searching for) is missing, and I need to go into "tools - options - restart Mantis" to get it back.

3. The quick scrollers for book, chapter etc sometimes work but mostly do not.

Sure would love explanations or fixes for these things.
Love the concept and design of your app, but it can be quite frustrating when not working correctly

Im using Mantis version 4.9.7
on apple Ipad OS version 4.3.1
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/19/2011 04:47 PM  
Note do not disappear, but they are contextually displayed. This means that if you switch away from a Bible, notes made in any Bible will not appear (say, you switch to a dictionary or a devotional.) This is because you can take notes in those types of books as well as Bibles, and only relevant notes appear.

In addition, notes only appear for the currently selected folder (so you can keep your notes separate for different studies, sermons, etc.) So make sure you have the desired folder selected in the Notes screen.

Most other problems are due to very low memory situations on the device. A reboot solves most or all of those. To reboot, hold down the top button and the home button and keep holding both buttons until the Apple logo appears, then release both buttons.
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