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iOS 5 bugs after Oct 18/19 update
Last Post 11/21/2011 05:54 AM by burggraf. 9 Replies.
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 New Member Posts:2
10/19/2011 05:26 PM |
First of all, thanks for the app. It's been one of my two staple apps on my iPhone through the years. Your app has been a valuable resource for me. Unfortunately, since the update to iOS 5, as you are well aware, it has cease to function properly, which has made it unusable. I noticed an update today, and while it fixed a couple of the problems I was having, it still has some problems, so I thought I'd document them here just in case. I'm using an iPhone 4 that I bought from my friend this past summer. Mantis Bible, though, is a restore from my 3GS, which has worked fine since I upgraded this past summer. 1. Somehow, my Mantis is now registered to the previous owner of the iPhone, and I can't unregister his name (and, in fact, I don't even know how it's registered to him! I wiped the phone at least a couple times before restoring my stuff from my older phone) back at the beginning of the summer. Up until iOS5, it was registered properly, and, IIRC, I could log out. Now I can't find a way to do that. 2. Reading plan. I can now check off read days (thanks for fixing that!), but tapping on the reading reference for the day still does nothing. It won't open the Bible to the passage referenced. 3. Under Bookmarks, the button for backing up is invisible. Tapping where the button is supposed to be brings up the backup/restore screen, but the button is invisible. 4. OK. This is weird. On a whim, I was looking at my notes, and saw the text to download remaining notes. The notes Mantis downloaded were _my_ notes, not my friend's (the guy I bought my phone from). So, apparently, the username displayed is not the correct one? 5. One more item. On the Notes screen, the "Edit" button is squished, and low res on my phone. I hope this information is of help to you as you work to fix the problems that the iOS 5 upgrade brought. You are in my thoughts and prayers. :-) And once again, thanks for an awesome program and resource! -Jon
 New Member Posts:1
10/19/2011 05:53 PM |
Daily reading plan does not bring up the references when they are tapped on. |
 Veteran Member Posts:1604
10/21/2011 01:20 AM |
> Daily reading plan does not bring up the references when they are tapped on. This is fixed in 4.9.9, which is currently being reviewed by Apple. |
 New Member Posts:2
10/23/2011 08:06 PM |
[quote] Posted By burggraf on 10/20/2011 05:20 PM > Daily reading plan does not bring up the references when they are tapped on. This is fixed in 4.9.9, which is currently being reviewed by Apple. [/quote] Got the update. and all the items I mentioned are now working. Thanks! I'm still noticing one, maybe new glitch. While Mantis wasn't working for daily reading, as a last resort, I was using another program. I discovered at the end, that the the two apps didn't match exactly, and while trying to read what I had missed, and match things up, I discovered that when I tried to uncheck a day's reference, the checkmark would stay checked unless I tapped it twice. However, after tapping twice to get rid of the X, and navigating away and coming back, I discovered it was still Xed. Next, I tried a single tap which still showed the X. Navigating away and back showed that the X had actually been removed, and it stayed gone from there on out. I also noticed that while the X would say in the box, the reference moved, as if it had registered my tap, only the screen didn't show the X disappearing. Honestly speaking, this isn't a huge bug, but I figured you would want to know. Again, thanks for the hard work and the great app! -Jon
 New Member Posts:3
10/25/2011 01:02 PM |
Since updating to 4.9.9 from 4.9.7, I lost all of my notes. Will I be able to get them back? |
 New Member Posts:2
10/26/2011 03:42 AM |
I am unable to access my notes in my verses after updating to new iTunes software. Also I can no longer tap a verse and add notes. How do I fix this! Thanks Tina |
 Veteran Member Posts:1604
10/27/2011 05:55 AM |
Updating to 4.9.9 should not affect your notes at all. If you moved to a new device, say, a new iPhone 4S, then you should know that backup files are device-specific. So in that type of case you need to email support and have us copy your backup file from your old device to your new device. Also, if you were running a different "base version" of Mantis, say the NIV version of Mantis, and you installed the 4.9.9 free version -- these versions are kept separate due to Apple's app restrictions. In this case, where you have 2 copies of Mantis on one device, you just need to backup from your old version, then restore from the new one. |
 New Member Posts:2
10/27/2011 08:19 PM |
I am running the same version on the same iPad. All I did was update in ITunes and add iCloud. After this process I can no longer tap on the verse number and add a note or view a previous note. However I can still add notes in the note screen but the verses no longer turn blue and let you access the verse in the notes. I tried the backup restore option of notes and settings but this did not fix the problem. Help |
 New Member Posts:2
11/01/2011 10:51 PM |
Can't analyze verse after update... Feature doesn't show up |
 Veteran Member Posts:1604
11/21/2011 05:54 AM |
This was fixed in the 4.9.11 update. |
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