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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Searching for " I will " - can't find any references in NT
Last Post 11/22/2011 03:53 AM by admiral. 3 Replies.
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11/19/2011 09:27 PM  
I'm trying to find the exact match of "I will" just in the NT but can't in any translation that I have; NASB, CSW , DRB, ESV, KJV, NETP, NKJV. I don't understand what I could be doing wrong. The search finds 1000 occurs in the OT for every translation, which is a little suspect. Suspect because usually there are differences of occurs between all of my translations. I find 188 occurs in the NAS95 using the Online Bible on my Mac. I have restarted the program and that didn't help. :confused:
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11/20/2011 01:59 AM  
I have had trouble in the past when I did not clear out the previous search. If you search for a word and, for instance, go to a selected verse to read, the searched for criteria remains active. A subsequent search request will show the previous results which need to be removed by touching the clear button. If you instead, touch the Show Criteria button, the search field is displayed empty. By then typing new criteria without clearing, the results are sometimes disappointing, usually no results found.

It will not fail consistently, but enough that I now remember to clear each time.

The "I will" search in the NASS NT returned 408.
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11/20/2011 02:44 AM  
And I misread your post. When you see 1000, I believe the search has maxed out; so it only shows the first 1000 hits which would be OT. For this search, make sure you touch Advanced Search, check that the Current Volume (NASS) is checked. Then touch the Filter box just below, unselect the Search All Sections check (may take a second or two for the checks to disappear) and then select only the New Testament. Take your time as the checks may be slow to appear. This will give you the search you desire.

Sorry I jumped to conclusions before. Hope this helps.
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11/22/2011 03:53 AM  
Thank you for posting last Saturday night. That was kind of you and helpful. I was too busy studying to respond but I did see your responses in my email when you sent them.
You were right. I must not have cleared out the search memory. Sometimes the clear button doesn't work. It just happened again now. So I have to restart Mantis to fix that.

You just taught me something else. I never have highlighted the "search all sections". I don't know why but never did. That really helps to narrow done a search, doesn't it. I have always wondered why Mantis did not offer such refinement of searching and now I see it was always there. Dumb me. Maybe it was because I learned to highlight and open the 'installed volumes' a lot that I never took it any further.

oh well, Mantis is still my favorite Bible program because it is so powerful.
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