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March 12, 2025
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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Search stops working after a few searches
Last Post 02/24/2012 03:54 PM by burggraf. 1 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

02/24/2012 01:52 AM  
I have noticed that I can do a few searches before the search function seems to hang. It will show the results for my last search, but the buttons to start a new search or clear the old search will not respond. If I hit search again, then I get the twirling wheel and a Cancel Search button. If I press the button, nothing happens. The only way I have found to get the search function working again is to select Read and go to Tools > Options > Restart Mantis. After Mantis restarts, I can do a few more searches before this happens again. I have noticed this for several or all versions. I am currently on 4.9.15 and it just happened again.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

02/24/2012 03:54 PM  
Please email support about your issue, and be sure to include the exact model of device you're using (iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, etc.) and what version of iOS you're using. Thanks!
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