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February 12, 2025
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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Reference in search results doesn't link
Last Post 05/11/2013 02:32 PM by hoj. 1 Replies.
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04/21/2013 01:49 AM  
I used to be able to touch the reference or ">>" after the reference in the search results and it would take me to the verse in the read mode. It isn't working. I think it stopped working when I got my iPhone 5, or maybe with the update to support it.
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New Member

05/11/2013 02:32 PM  
It is working again. The only thing that I can think that I did between when it didn't work and when it started working is that I drilled down in the strongs definitions in the reading mode. Shortly after that I noticed that the references in the search results worked as links again.

Whatever the problem was seemed to be getting saved on exit. I say this because I had tried "killing" the app from multitasking rather than just exiting, and it still had the problem. I'm glad it is working again. :)
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