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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Highlighting is buggy
Last Post 10/16/2009 03:24 PM by burggraf. 9 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

08/05/2009 10:00 AM  
I'm new to Mantis and have been playing around with the standard KJV version. Overall I like the software but the highlighting seems very buggy.

For the last couple of days I've been reading through Luke 9, highlighting as I went. Today when I went to Luke 9 and all of the highlighting I had done in the second half of the chapter had somehow disappeared. When I opened the "highlight" tool suddenly the highlighting re-appeared. When I left the chapter and came back, the highlighting had disappeared again.

I've also noticed that after I highlight a verse or phrase, the page "skips" a bit, scrolling up a few lines so that the verse I just highlighted is now towards the top of the screen. Sometimes it seems to move only one or two lines, other times more, but it is very jarring. Please fix this bug.

Finally, this is minor but it's a little strange that when you first highlight a verse there is a gap between each highlighted word, but when you exit the Tools mode suddenly the highlighting flows together into one solid chunk. It would be nice if it was one solid chunk even in tools mode.

Overall this seems like a great piece of software, but these bugs concern me. The highlighting tool isn't very useful if the highlighting disappears randomly. I'd love to spend some money buying a Bible translation or two and some study tools from you, but these bugs are giving me pause.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/05/2009 07:48 PM  
Can you tell us exactly where you are highlighting in Luke 9? I can't seem to duplicate this problem, at least in the KJV version.

When you tap the second time (to complete a highlight block) the screen is redrawn as the highlights are automatically "saved". The first verse of the block that was highlighted should appear at the top of the page after it redraws.

We will be addressing a number of issues with highlighting in an upcoming Mantis update.
New Member
New Member

08/10/2009 04:53 PM  
There are several places (none of my highlighting in that chapter shows up past verse 18), but one example would be Luke 9:58. I have the phrase "the Son of Man hath nowhere to lay his head" highlighted in blue. When I first open the chapter that highlighting is gone. Then if I click on the highlighting tool the phrase suddenly appears highlighted again. If I click off the highlighting tool it stays highlighted, until I leave Luke 9 or quit the program. Then, when I come back the highlighting is gone again.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/10/2009 05:01 PM  
That's very odd, because I just opened up that passage and highlighted it just like you said and it's working fine for me. Now, I'm running the latest 4.3.0 beta, but I don't think we've changed anything in that version that would affect this.

Perhaps someone else running the standard 4.2.0 release could duplicate this for us using the included KJV translation?

You may also want to try this: back up your bookmarks/notes/highlights using the backup button in the bookmarks or notes screen, then go to Tools, Options, scroll to the bottom, and clear all highlights. Then try it again and see if you get the same issues.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/10/2009 05:07 PM  
I have just reinstalled the release version of 4.2.0 on my iPhone 3GS, and I can highlight the passage you mentioned just fine. I can switch chapters and come back and the highlights are there, I can exit and reload the app, and it's fine.

It sounds like you may have a corrupt installation somehow. You may need to delete the app and install it again. See if that helps, maybe.
New Member
New Member

08/11/2009 02:47 AM  
I easily duplicated the problem with Luke 9:58. All I did was highlight the phrase in question in blue, turned highlighting off, used the back arrow in the top toolbar, used the forward arrow to come back to chapter 9, scrolled down (once manually and once with a hot corner) and the highlighting was gone until I turned the highlighting toolbar back on.

I am using the original iPhone with Mantis 4.2.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/11/2009 06:44 AM  
I reloaded 4.2.0 and now I can duplicate what this following the steps you give.

The good news is that I CAN'T duplicate it with the 4.3.0 beta, so it's been fixed. In addition, the latest 4.3.0 beta gets rid of the "page refresh" when you tap the second time (when the highlighting is "saved".) So highlighting should be greatly improved when 4.3.0 is released.

We're in final testing now, and if no new bugs are uncovered, we'll be sending this off to Apple later this week.
New Member
New Member

08/11/2009 06:14 PM  
Thanks everyone! I'm looking forward to the 4.3.0 release.
New Member
New Member

10/16/2009 02:56 PM  
I've had lots of problems in highlighting, even with the new Mantis version. I have the NASS version with Strongs and anytime I highlight something only a small part of the highlight stays highlighted. This is very annoying! This occurs anywhere that I highlight. I tried reinstalling the app once to no avail. Any thoughts?:crazy:
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

10/16/2009 03:24 PM  
If you delete the NASS from your phone (not the app, just the NASS module from the bookshelf) and then download it again, that will help some, as we have fixed some issues with the NASS text that may affect highlighting in certain places.

There are a few remaining bugs in the highlighting feature of Mantis, though, and we have worked hard to fix all of these in the 4.5.0 release. That version should be sent to Apple later today. (It usually takes Apple between 1 and 2 weeks to approve new releases.)
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