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February 28, 2025
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Welcome to the Mantis Bible Study Discussion Forums!  This is the place to discuss the Mantis Bible Study for Apple iPhone and iPod Touch software, report bugs you find, request or ask questions about new software features, or request new Bible versions or other study tools.

Mantis Bible Study Forums
Last Post 11/20/2009 11:00 PM by mat_rhein. 3 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

11/17/2009 07:05 AM  
Hey there!

I have tried many text apps in the app store so far including stanza and classics... and with both I really like the page- turning feature. Would it be possible that You also introduce this to Mantis Bible Study? It would be really helpful for me, since I can't read well with the automatic scrolling, I end up being sea-sick...

cheers, mat
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

11/17/2009 04:44 PM  
At this point it's unlikely that we'd be able to do that. As a "Bible study tool", Mantis is designed to scroll, so you can easily bring a specific passage into view on the screen.

It gets a lot more complicated with our inline display options, so as you tap on things the display expands to accommodate the new text, so a paged-based system would be pretty difficult to navigate and would get confusing pretty fast.
New Member
New Member

11/17/2009 05:29 PM  
I was dreading that one... after thinking this through I am sure the solution You picked (and it's shortcomings) are worth remaining for the sake of such marvelous things as BYOSB... keep on amazing us!
New Member
New Member

11/20/2009 11:00 PM  
I was thinking about this and I stumbled over a solution that gives me the feeling to turn a page while it scrolls down: if one could single tap a certain area of the screen (upper/lower area) the screen would autoscroll fast until the last line on the bottom is the first on top. This way I get rid of the unprecise finger scrolling while not needing the automatic scroller. Check "GoodReader" for a similar UI implementation!
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