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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Moving multiple bookmarks to a new folder can be tedious.
Last Post 06/27/2010 03:46 AM by burggraf. 1 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

06/26/2010 07:12 PM  
Scrolling/selecting in a long bookmark folder list is tedious for moving multiple bookmarks to the same new folder.
Consider saving/displaying last destination folder when moving bookmarks. Also consider adding "Copy Bookmark".
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

06/27/2010 03:46 AM  
The design is set up so that you create a folder, then you select that folder, and collect all your bookmarks to that folder. For example, before a sermon, I set up a folder for it. Then I just collect bookmarks throughout the sermon. It's quick, because I don't have to select which folder things go in -- I can concentrate on the sermon and just collect the bookmarks for later.

The downside, of course, is what you've described -- it's not easy to move the bookmarks around. Our upcoming desktop version of Mantis will make that much easier, though. It's due later this summer.
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