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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Split Screen
Last Post 02/13/2013 05:05 AM by admiral. 16 Replies.
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New Member
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11/22/2010 10:31 PM  
I teach with Czech interpreters. A split screen would be marvelous. Both could read the text in our own language.
I am aware of the ability to open another version below the original text, but split screen would be an improvement.

New Member
New Member

12/09/2010 09:11 AM  
I completely agree with GECotton. i would love to see split screen and though the iphone (in my case) doesn't have a lot of screen real-estate, i think it would only enhance the user experience. i've tested this split screen option in another bible software program and its great.

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

12/09/2010 03:52 PM  
Thanks for this feedback. We've been working with different possible designs for this and hopefully you'll see it in an upcoming update.
New Member
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04/18/2011 08:50 AM  
I just got an iPad, and I think that with the screen estate available there, the possibility of a synchronized split screen would be great.
Are there any news in these regards?

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/19/2011 04:49 PM  
Sorry, not yet. We're working on getting the Android version out, and part of this project will carry over to the split-screen version of Mantis -- but not until after Android is released.
New Member
New Member

10/24/2011 07:01 AM  
I have several bibles that I'm reviewing but I like Mantis enough that I purchased a couple of their bibles. The only thing that keeps me going back to the other bibles is that they have the split screen option and it's a very convient feature. Example, during bible study when switching to various verses but coming back to the original one, split screen is a great way to do it. As I read older posts (backt to 2008) this idea has been considered. I hope that Mantis will look seriously at adding this feature. I use it on both my iPad and my iPhone. I have no issues with going to split screen on the iPhone.
New Member
New Member

10/28/2011 11:45 PM  
I would vote fpr not having a split screen. Agreed that Olivetree and Laridian have it, but the "inline" capabilities of Mantis set it out as being unique.

So, you are in a verse or looking at a word in the verse and you want to know what it means. Hit the analyze button for the verse (I know it has temporarily disappeared on 4.9.9) and you get a listing of the same verses in other Bibles.

Hit a Word (I am using the CWS Bible) and you get other resoruces that you have installed LEX, KJC, TGD, SCRF, FIND and at the bottom of the verse other Bibles RSV, VULG, DRV and resources such as VWS. Tap on them and you get the definition, translation etc, tap again and it disappears.

For me that is one of the most effective ways of studying an individual word or verse that I have seen on any of the versions. I think if this were added to the Android version, right now that would take Mantis ahead of any other Android study Bible system.

I think it is great on iOS and would hate to see it go and Mantis become just one amongst many. I do not know the complexities of keeping it for the iPad or for tablets where multiple columns are in order, but for a single column device like my iPod Touch or even my Android Samsung Galaxy player 5inch, it would be perfect.
New Member
New Member

10/28/2011 11:45 PM  
Added email notifications subscription for this topic.
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11/02/2011 10:43 AM  
I do not agree completely on this: I love the inline capabilities in Mantis, they are unique and amazing in a device with limited screen estate such as the iPhone. But on an iPad there is much more screen available, and the inline view is rather limiting.
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New Member

12/26/2011 04:23 AM  
I know that I just have to touch the verse # and get another Bible version, but at times a split screen would be nice for Church and Bible study when we are continually comparing between NASS and NIV, NKJV and NASS, etc. I'm looking toward to this addition after you get the Android version running smooth. Keep up the nice work, it's a joy working with you and using this outstanding product!
New Member
New Member

12/02/2012 05:31 PM  
I would like to see the split screen as well as keeping the in verse feature. The iPad gives so much more screen real estate that it should be a desire able feature.
Life Pastor
Basic Member
Basic Member

12/18/2012 09:30 AM  
I personally do not like the split screen. It just gets to confusing when really digging into a verse. The inline way Mantis uses is awesome. In my opinion of course. If they do ever add a spilt screen I hope it's a option that can be turned on and off.
Life Pastor
Basic Member
Basic Member

12/18/2012 09:30 AM  
I personally do not like the split screen. It just gets to confusing when really digging into a verse. The inline way Mantis uses is awesome. In my opinion of course. If they do ever add a spilt screen I hope it's a option that can be turned on and off.
New Member
New Member

01/28/2013 06:35 AM  
I'd love to see a split screen where we could choose the commentaries to go along with the verses, on the bottom, like a study Bible.

A lot of times I'll be going through a chapter and wonder about a particular verse, so I'll click the verse number to see what a particular commentator said about it... but he was silent on it. So then I have to "close" that verse and start working my way backward, verse by verse until I find where he commented on several verses at once.

I'd love that feature for my iPad, but not so much for my tiny iPhone screen. Would it be possible to have it as an option, so people who don't want it don't have to have it?
New Member
New Member

01/28/2013 11:51 AM  
I gave up waiting for the feature and moved aver to Olive Tree.
Life Pastor
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Basic Member

02/09/2013 09:44 PM  
I left Olive Tree because of their split screen. Love Mantis' inline drill down method.
New Member
New Member

02/13/2013 05:05 AM  
I use both and have invested a lot of money in both. My favorite is Mantis because of how it drills down at the verse level. I wish Mantis would offer more resources like OT.
I do use OT when taking notes while listening to someone teach on a passage. It is handy then to have the text open on one side and the note editor open on the other side. Or even top and bottom when in portrait display view.
(Thought I would add my two cents)
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