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Welcome to the Mantis Bible Study Discussion Forums!  This is the place to discuss the Mantis Bible Study for Apple iPhone and iPod Touch software, report bugs you find, request or ask questions about new software features, or request new Bible versions or other study tools.

Mantis Bible Study Forums
Mac version
Last Post 09/25/2014 05:34 PM by StanHuie. 13 Replies.
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New Member
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03/23/2009 02:26 AM  
What about a Mac version of Mantis Bible?

You have a great program and building a significant library of resources.

A Mac version would do well for study at the "home base" with the larger screen real estate. Also with sharing and syncing of notes and bookmarks, it would serve as a backup for these from the iPhone/iPod Touch.

Wouldn't most of the back-end port quickly with just the UI portion requiring significant development?
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

03/23/2009 03:49 AM  
We will consider this, but most of our contracts with the publishers only cover the iPhone and iPod touch so there might be extensive additional licensing involved. It is a possibility, though.
New Member
New Member

03/25/2009 05:52 PM  
Yes, I would like to see a Mac version. Someone really needs to compete with Accordance Bible Software. I think you have a good thing going on here and it would be nice to have a mac version that I could type my notes in and sync them with my IPhone. If you could keep the cost of the basic mac software down then I believe it would boost the IPhone software sales also.
New Member
New Member

04/10/2009 06:41 PM  
I also agree. I have purchased several other resources (NIV, ISBE, PCOM) and would love to be able to sync my notes and highlights and use these resources on my laptop or desktop Mac....even if it required additional licensing fees. Thanks for a great product...God Bless.
New Member
New Member

04/30/2009 08:13 PM  

Any update on this?

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/30/2009 11:17 PM  
Nothing yet, sorry.
New Member
New Member

12/29/2009 05:39 PM  
Renewing the thread and adding my voice to those still interested in a Mac version. I use Online Bible software for the Mac (which really isn't "online") and like it a lot, but would consider updating to something that could sync well with my iTouch.
Life Pastor
Basic Member
Basic Member

12/30/2009 09:29 AM  
Mr. Mark,

please....let us buy a mantis desktop for mac! Hear me when I say that I like the function of mantis better than my accordance.... I NEED mantis in full size on my laptop and on my iPhone!

I'm begging... Lol

Trent gilliam
life pastor
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

12/30/2009 08:01 PM  
This is still something we are considering, but we have nothing to announce yet.
New Member
New Member

02/08/2010 07:09 PM  
I agree. I am really enjoying the ability to get more from the Word through Mantis. it would be great to have a Mac Desktop Version. Its absolutely scandalous that you have to pay through the nose for top line Bible study mac software when all you're tying to do is get more into the word. Having a Mac version of Mantis at an affordable price would make scripture available for everyone. I'm all in favour of it. Good suggestion by the way Edwin.
New Member
New Member

11/12/2010 06:37 AM  
Amen to a Mac Version. One that can sync with all three, iPod, iPas and Max OS x
New Member
New Member

10/02/2012 01:54 PM  
Posted By Edwin on 03/25/2009 09:52 AM
Yes, I would like to see a Mac version. Someone really needs to compete with Accordance Bible Software. I think you have a good thing going on here and it would be nice to have a mac version that I could type my notes in and sync them with my IPhone. If you could keep the cost of the basic mac software down then I believe it would boost the IPhone software sales also.

I agree 100%- would really welcome this!
New Member
New Member

06/16/2014 01:57 AM  
Okay, it's five years since the last post. What is the decision on having a mac version of Mantis that would sync with our iPhones?
New Member
New Member

09/25/2014 05:34 PM  
Let me add my voice to those who would like to see use of the Mantis Study Bible opened to our desktop or laptop.
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