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Welcome to the Mantis Bible Study Discussion Forums!  This is the place to discuss the Mantis Bible Study for Apple iPhone and iPod Touch software, report bugs you find, request or ask questions about new software features, or request new Bible versions or other study tools.

Mantis Bible Study Forums
Last Post 01/26/2009 05:39 AM by burggraf. 4 Replies.
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tracy dyer
New Member
New Member

01/24/2009 03:32 AM  

 good lord mantis, I sure hope it doesn't take as long for you to have the cool new "coming soon" releases as it has for 4.0, I couldn't wait any longer and purchased the esv 4.0 , even though I really didn't want the esv. I am quite sure that I am not the only one that has done so, just to get the 4.0 sooner. I just really hope that that was not your intention in the first place with all the delays, you know olive tree has already released esv study bible and niv bible. They are also adding highlights and notes in their upcoming version. FOR GOODNESS SAKES MANTIS, GET A MOVE ON BEFORE THE COMPETITION GETS A LEG UP!!!!!!


New Member
New Member

01/24/2009 04:19 AM  

 I got tired of waiting too, but I purchased the MSG package.  Mark, good job on this 4.0 version!

Yo tracy, chill out! Many of us have been waiting as long, if not longer - yet we understand it is not Mantis intent to delay the FREE version.  Someone at Apple might have drop the ball.  I trust Mark and the guys at Mantis - you couldn't get a more honest and customer oriented response from any other company... 

2 cents from a satisfied customer!

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

01/24/2009 04:36 PM  

Hi Tracy,

I understand your frustration, and believe me, it's something I've felt myself.  Our 4.0 update was kicked back a few times, and we received replies each time with a week or so.  The latest version we sent (with fixes) was uploaded over 3 weeks ago now, and we've heard nothing.  We have sent emails several times, but have not heard any response.

In the meantime, Apple has released other (paid) versions, which are essentially the exact same program (but with different content.)  This makes it look like we're trying to "boost sales" and nothing could be further from the truth.  The only reason we have released other versions in the App Store is to make it easy for our users to grab the version they want, simply and quickly.  It's to make things more flexible, and to increase the awareness of the other Bible translations we offer.  Many people didn't have a clue that we even offered an NASS version, or a MSG, or whatever.  Now, hopefully, they'll know.

As far as competition -- we're not in a race here.  There are some other great programs out there, and we fully respect them.  Our goal is not to "out-sell" anybody (for how could we ever be upset by people reading God's word?)  Our goal, rather, is just to make the best possible Bible Study Software that we can.

tracy dyer
New Member
New Member

01/24/2009 09:48 PM  

 hey, I did not an any way mean to be ugly in the post, It was just my frustration speaking. I love the mantis program. I have tried almost every bible program on itunes, and yours is the absolute best, and as for the 4.0, it is well worth the wait. The mantis program has almost everything any student of the word would need for bible study. My only request that would make it absolutely perfect would be a larger medium for note taking. There are several other bible programs that allow extended note taking in different folders within your bible program, so if mantis would add that, well, then your program would be perfect.. 

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

01/26/2009 05:39 AM  

4.1.0, currently in beta, has folders for notes, plus the abliity to add notes not attached to a verse.

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