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March 12, 2025
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Welcome to the Mantis Bible Study Discussion Forums!  This is the place to discuss the Mantis Bible Study for Apple iPhone and iPod Touch software, report bugs you find, request or ask questions about new software features, or request new Bible versions or other study tools.

Mantis Bible Study Forums
Thanks for a great year of Bible Study Mantis!
Last Post 01/02/2010 10:07 AM by Life Pastor. 2 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

12/31/2009 05:57 PM  

I just wanted to thank you guys for making the best, most usable Bible I've ever had. I am pretty sure I've never had a better year of Bible study and it's thanks to the outstanding accessibility to the Word and supporting materials that Mantis provides. I'm afraid I'm guilty of overspending on Bible study resources first with books, then with desktop solutions, and possibly even with Mantis' resources. However, it has given me the basis to say that, for me, Mantis has provided the more accessible tools to drill down and study the word that I've ever had. To be sure there are still things I wish you had, but what you do have has allowed me to delve in more frequently, more efficiently, and delve in deeper than any other resource I've ever had.

I pray you continue to grow and thrive in 2010 and beyond so we can benefit from an exception resource you have provided. For now, though, I thank you for what you made possible in 2009. It was a great year for Bible Study thanks to your efforts.

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

12/31/2009 10:01 PM  
Thanks, Scott!

We look forward to bringing you even better tools and resources over the coming year!
Life Pastor
Basic Member
Basic Member

01/02/2010 10:07 AM  
Mantis really is the best. From subways to airplanes Mantis as proven to be the most helpful and user friendly study tool I have ever used. I cant wait to buy more volumes!!!

Life Pastor
Trent Gilliam
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