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March 12, 2025
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Welcome to the Mantis Bible Study Discussion Forums!  This is the place to discuss the Mantis Bible Study for Apple iPhone and iPod Touch software, report bugs you find, request or ask questions about new software features, or request new Bible versions or other study tools.

Mantis Bible Study Forums
Mantis-the best thing that happened to me in a long time
Last Post 05/18/2011 03:59 AM by mikejeshurun. 0 Replies.
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05/18/2011 03:59 AM  
I just love the Word of God and have always carried a small Bible with me. Then I recently got myself an iphone 3gs because I wanted to read sermons using a pdf reader. Shortly after this I discovered that you could actually download the whole KJV Bible and use it just like you use your personal leather bound one. Mark it, highlight it, write notes on it etc. Wow what an unspeakable blessing this is!

There are so many free Bible Apps at the App store. But I like Mantis the best. Here are the two main reasons for it -One I can highlight a particular word in a verse like I do with my leather-bound Bible. Second when I write a note I can open it right above the verse and not have to go somewhere else to access it. There is just so much more that makes this Bible app my favorite. May God richly bless those at Mantis for making this Bible available for free.

I don't know why this Bible App is named 'Mantis'. The only Mantis I know of is the 'praying mantis'. May the good Lord use this Mantis Bible to get people to pray and seek His face in these dark times!

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