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Mantis Bible Study Forums
What is the logic for RP05? Why did you lay it out the way you did?
Last Post 11/28/2011 01:23 PM by Blcoffey. 6 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

10/12/2011 12:30 PM  
Mantis for iPad, your organization and the audio track has made it very easy for me to read the bible. And I appreciate this. Now that you have gotten me into this I am more inquisitive.
When I started and registered in April 2011 I selected the RP05 and it appeared that the design was to read from three areas or books in the bible. How did you select these three books or some times only verses, for that day?

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

10/21/2011 01:11 AM  
We did not design any of the reading plans -- we just included them in the app for free.
New Member
New Member

10/23/2011 01:40 PM  
So the RP05 has no reading value other than getting one through the Bible in one year. I read you saying it is random and computer generated. That each o the readings for today have no relevance to each other, that the only reason only two verses of Proverbs were selected was to get you through the bible on time? It is hard for me to believe your company staff didn't have more design and logic when they developed this RP.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

10/24/2011 12:34 AM  
No, it is not computer generated. It was created by someone else, and we just included it in the app along with several other reading plans. Whoever generated it must have had some sort of strategy, I just don't know what that was. If you don't like that plan -- simply use another one.
Life Pastor
Basic Member
Basic Member

11/01/2011 07:48 AM  
Posted By burggraf on 10/23/2011 04:34 PM
If you don't like that plan -- simply use another one.

+1 what he said. That's why they included more than one plan for us users to choose from.

Some things can be random without reason. :)

New Member
New Member

11/28/2011 03:54 AM  
I just finished the one year through the bible plan.( RP05) and am now starting it again. I liked it because it take you through Old Testament from beginning to end or Genesis 1:1 to Malachi 4:6, in a straight order to complete it in one year. It takes you through the New Testament starting with Matthew 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, in order to complete it also in one year. only exception is Psalms and Proverbs, it doesn't include it in the Old Testament reading plan. It gives you a the daily reading of Psalms and Proverbs to complete it in the year. I liked it in that order because I find it tedious reading only the Old Testament straight through. and enjoy the peace that the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs give Me. Enjoy!! P.S. Go to "tools" , then "options" . chose how you want to read it " open reading plan to " [today] or [ unread] . I choose unread. then go to RP05 in books, then go to top center and choose Jan 1 st.
New Member
New Member

11/28/2011 01:23 PM  
Thank you for your responses it helps greatly.
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