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Mantis Bible Study Forums
3.1.0 What's New
Last Post 11/24/2008 07:05 AM by burggraf. 1 Replies.
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Veteran Member
Veteran Member

11/24/2008 06:39 AM  

What's new in 3.1.0:

Faster (background) loading of chapters (significantly speeds up longer chapters)

Show/hide links in Analyze Verse are now "sticky", allowing a default custom analysis screen

New: Strongs Number [FIND], summary and detail drill-down
   Inline search finds and displays inline cross-references showing where a Strongs Number is used throughout Scripture, summarized by usage in each book
   Example:  tap a Strongs Number to get its definition,
   Tap [FIND] to see how many times that number is used in each book,
   Tap Gen to see links to all the verses in Genesis where that number is found,
   Tap individual verses to view the text of each verse

New Settings Options:
   Display Strongs Numbers as:
      Numbers (the current method)
      Hyper-linked words (easier to read)
      Or turn them off
   Turn triangle guides (scroller guides) off
   Sort bookmarks by book (scripture order) or date (date entered)
   Sort notes by book (scripture order) or date (date entered)
Fixed navigation issues in Analyze Verse
Fixed Analyze Verse to show red lettering, cross references, etc.
Updated grid, list, and new folder icons

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

11/24/2008 07:05 AM  

Here's some advanced discussion about the new features, and why they're important.

Faster (background) loading of chapters (significantly speeds up longer chapters)

For me, this is most noticable in Psalm 119 in a translation with strongs numbers turned on.  What used to take up to 5 or 6 seconds is now a second or less.

Show/hide links in Analyze Verse are now "sticky", allowing a default custom analysis screen

A couple of you pointed out that, while the new Analyze Verse screen is handy, you have to tap "Show" each time you go there for the translations or commentary you want to view.  How handy would it be if you could just toggle on the items you wanted and they stayed that way?  And how about if they stayed that way even after you restart the program?  Done.

New: Strongs Number [FIND], summary and detail drill-down
   Example:  tap a Strongs Number to get its definition,
   Tap [FIND] to see how many times that number is used in each book,
   Tap Gen to see links to all the verses in Genesis where that number is found,
   Tap individual verses to view the text of each verse

This, to me, is the most exciting feature I think we've ever added.  In order to get a good sense of what a word means (I mean a Greek or Hebrew word) you should look at how that word is used elsewhere in Scripture.  That can be a tedious process.  Not many people know that, since Mantis 2.0, you can search for a strongs number by typing it in the search screen (such as H1234 or G456).  That's great, but still not good enough.

So, we've added inline strongs searching.  Fair warning -- this first release is on the slow side.  You'll tap the [FIND] button and think it's not working.  Seconds later, you'll see some results like this:

Gen (3), Exo (1), Lev (12), Ruth (4)

Those results show how many times the strongs number is found in each book.  Tap a book name to get cross-reference links from that book.  This all happens inline.  Tap the reference that shows up to view the verse text.  As usual, with each cross reference, there's a link to jump there.  And also, as always, tapping again toggles an item off, so if you tap a verse, and it's not relevant, just tap it again to close it.  Or tap a book name again to close the references for that book.

This feature either means absolutely nothing to you, or you're as excited about it as I am.

New Settings Options:
   Display Strongs Numbers as:
      Numbers (the current method)
      Hyper-linked words (easier to read)
      Or turn them off

By popular demand, we're offering two ways to view strongs numbers now:

ThisH123 is the firstH456 wayH789.
This is the second way.
The new "display as hyper-linked words" option makes things much more readable.  Words that can be tapped are in blue (just lik the verse numbers.)  You can also turn off strongs numbers completely as before.

To get the new "display as hyper-linked words" option, you will need to download an updated version of the NASS or KJVS text that supports this option.

   Turn triangle guides (scroller guides) off

Some of you found the new triangle guides in the reader screen distracting.  You can now turn them off.  Turning them off does NOT turn off the chapter and verse quick-scrollers, so you can still tap and drag down in the top left and top right of the reader screen.

   Sort bookmarks by book (scripture order) or date (date entered)
   Sort notes by book (scripture order) or date (date entered)
You can now sort bookmarks and notes by date & time entered (in reverse chronological order, so your latest bookmark or note will always be on top.)

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