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Mantis Bible Study Forums
New "Walkthroughs" Page
Last Post 01/01/1900 08:00 AM by . 0 Replies.
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Veteran Member
Veteran Member

02/02/2009 07:50 PM  

We've opened up a new page in the Support menu called "Walkthroughs".  This page will link to special tutorial pages that walk you through using certain features of Mantis Bible Study.

The first item on the page is a walkthrough of the new Zodhiates' Complete Word Study Bible (CWS) which is now available.  The walkthrough contains an advanced look at some features that won't be available until you get your hands on version 4.1.0 (which is currently in beta testing.)

Most of the features in the walkthrough are available in 4.0.0 -- the only things you won't get until 4.1.0 are related to the CWS content, and include the grammatical codes, links to grammatical definitions, and the [LEX] link in the strongs definitions.

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