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March 12, 2025
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Welcome to the Mantis Bible Study Discussion Forums!  This is the place to discuss the Mantis Bible Study for Apple iPhone and iPod Touch software, report bugs you find, request or ask questions about new software features, or request new Bible versions or other study tools.

Mantis Bible Study Forums
Thank you for this program!
Last Post 07/08/2009 11:01 AM by Life Pastor. 4 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

03/14/2009 06:34 PM  
I just wanted to post a quick note to say thank you for Mantis v4. I got an iPod Touch about a month ago, and while at first I balked at the price (after seeing so many free Bibles) but bought it because it supported NKJV. I also liked the possibility of taking notes during church.

I've been using it twice a week in church and the note taking and cross-referencing feature is amazing. I love being able to jot out the references as my pastor says them, and then see them show up in-line with my current text.

Just today I read about the on-line notes backup feature. I uploaded my notes, and then used the web viewer. I was able to spell check some words, and even correct some Hebrew and Greek words that I had just jotted down phonetically. Then I replaced the notes on my iPod. Fabulous!

After reading the forums today, I'm also impressed by the level of development that is still going on with this product; it really shows you care.

My only nit-pick so far is that I keep accidentally activating the hot corners, but I imagine there will be an update someday that will make those optional, so I'm not too worried.

In short, you're making a great product, and making searching and studying God's Word fun and easy. I pray that God blesses you and your families for the joy you're bringing to the church.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

03/14/2009 06:40 PM  
Wow. Thanks so much. Reading comments like yours makes all the long nights spent on this product so worth it.

We'll be offering the ability to turn off the hot corners in an upcoming release. My son is a big user of the program, and he suggested something interesting -- the ability to either turn them off, or have them only live while in full-screen mode. I think that's a pretty good idea.

Anyhow -- you keep studying, and we'll keep improving the program!
New Member
New Member

06/02/2009 08:59 PM  
I agree. Awesome product. This product makes studying the bible so much easier and it's in your pocket to use anytime. On top of that they have the best customer service I have ever seen. I had a problem highlighting in the nass version. I posted the problem in the discussion forum and got an immediate response. The problem was fixed within 24 hours, amazing! I also had questions regarding commentary preference. Again, I received an immediate response helping me in my decision. Thanks Mantis.
New Member
New Member

07/03/2009 11:59 PM  
Yes, I completely agree! I have been using Mantis since the end of 2008, and I love it, love it, love it. I have several translations, a very solid commentary, and the features that are already in the app make it truly a thrill to use.
Life Pastor
Basic Member
Basic Member

07/08/2009 11:01 AM  
I agree! Great program. I have been studying and preaching straight from my iphone. Wow! Thanks Mantis!!!!!!!
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