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Mantis Bible Study Forums
New Commentaries Coming
Last Post 04/29/2009 04:56 AM by burggraf. 12 Replies.
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Veteran Member
Veteran Member

03/25/2009 12:24 AM  
These 3 commentaries should be available very soon now:

Believer's Bible Commentary
Jon Courson's Application Commentary
The Preacher's Commentary

In addition, these should be up very soon as well:

Ryrie Study Bible Notes
Wuest Word Studies in the Greek New Testament
New Member
New Member

03/25/2009 01:48 AM  
Awesome!!!! I am most excited about Courson's and Wuest!!!!
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New Member

04/27/2009 09:36 PM  
Any news on the Seventh Day Adventist Commentary?
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/27/2009 10:35 PM  
No word yet, but we've been pretty swamped as of late, so things are running a bit behind.
New Member
New Member

04/28/2009 12:54 PM  
Mark, questions about Ryrie Study Bible:

What is the difference between the printed Ryrie Study Bible and Mantis' Ryrie Study Notes? (Do Notes mean that they are somehow different than the actual printed study bible?)

If it is the same material as the printed version, is the different name only to mean that in can be used with any installed translation unlike the printed version which is tied to the translation that Ryrie comes with?

Also, I really like the book outlines in the printed version of Ryrie. Can I view the same book outlines in Mantis full screen? Or only in the "Analyze verse" view? How does one access book outline anywhere in Mantis? Just a couple of question before I buy.

I have actually been waiting for a good study bible for a while and have been itching to buy the ESV Study Bible from OliveTree as I hear good things about it. However, I would like for everything to be in Mantis as I might want to look up a particular verse in a Russian or German Bible or another translation, and since I have those installed in Mantis, I would rather have everything in it.

I know the status on ESV Study for Mantis, what about NIV Study or Life Application? Any developments. I am most likely going to go ahead and purchase Ryrie.
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New Member

04/28/2009 01:40 PM  
While on the same subject:

What other currently available Mantis product has fairly extensive Book Outlines like the ones found in a typical study Bible such as Ryrie? Perhaps, Believer's Bible Commentary? I am currently using wikipedia outlines as I study each book, however, I often question the accuracy of wikipedia references, therefore I would rather use a respectable publication. Thanks!
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/28/2009 03:12 PM  
You are correct -- the information in the Ryrie Study Notes is the same as in the Ryrie Study Bible, but it can be used with any version of the Bible, so what you are purchasing isn't a Bible, but just the "Notes."

Our copy of Ryrie does not appear to have book outlines included, but it does have a large appendix at the end which includs:

Old Testament Intro
Between the Testaments
New Testament Intro
Articles and Reference
Topical Index

Other commentaries we offer do have book introductions, including BBC, MAC, JCNT, PCOM, MCGE, and maybe ohers as well. Generally, these are contained in "Chapter 0" of each book.

We are waiting for approval from the publishers and intend to provide the Life Application Study Notes and the NIV Study Bible Notes as soon as we are given approval. I have no estimate yet, though, on when the publishers will grant permission.
New Member
New Member

04/28/2009 06:54 PM  
Thank you for answering as now I will buy something different rather than the Ryrie. Ideally, I am waiting for either LAB or NIV Study or better yet -- ESV Study Bible, which, as you have mentioned, is not yet available to you. Well, in the meantime, I think I will get the Believer's Bible Commentary because I am hearing really good things about it.
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New Member

04/28/2009 07:00 PM  
Do you know when you might be releasing the Wuest Word Studies?
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/28/2009 09:22 PM  
We've done a first pass at Wuest, but it needs some changes, so we're working on those. We hope to have it available in online store the next week.
New Member
New Member

04/29/2009 01:56 AM  
Have you checked into Dr. Thomas Constable's Bible Study Notes?
They are excellent, very scholarly and yet very readable.

They are offered free online:


I purchased them a few years ago in iSilo format and still use them.


New Member
New Member

04/29/2009 02:36 AM  
I've been looking at Constables's Bible Study Notes in pdf format - they look very thorough and readable, and well documented. Easy to get completely engrossed in.
Thanks for the tip.

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/29/2009 04:56 AM  
We'll check those out. Thanks.
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