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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Memorize bug
Last Post 01/06/2011 02:11 AM by Klayko10. 6 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

01/03/2011 09:08 PM  
Since updating to Mantis 4.9.3 I have been encountering problems in the Memorizing mode. In the previous version, I was able to add additional verses, but after the update I'm not able to. Also, any new notes I create under notes, now, can't be deleted. :-(

Please advise.

Thank you,
Klayton Ko
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

01/03/2011 10:45 PM  
There is a problem with the notes screen that we're fixing in the upcoming 4.9.4 update. We cannot duplicate any problem with the memorize tool, though. When you tap the verse number then tap "Memorize", an entry should be created in the "Memorize" notes folder. That's working for us in all our tests so far.
New Member
New Member

01/04/2011 05:18 AM  
The bug I'm experiencing with 4.9.3 is the similar but not the same as what I emailed earlier about regarding notes: Click memorize and the app unexpectedly quits. With notes, it doesn't quit unexpectedly quit until I am done typing the note and click Done. Since I use both features frequently, this has been hugely disappointing. Looking forward to the fix. (Am using 2nd gen iPodTouch with iOS 3.1.3 and have 6.9 GB available out of a 14.5 GB capacity.)
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

01/04/2011 02:27 PM  
It looks like 4.9.3 is having problems with older devices, and with iOS 3.x as well. We are researching this problem and hope to provide a fix in 4.9.4.
New Member
New Member

01/05/2011 03:30 AM  
Posted By burggraf on 01/03/2011 02:45 PM
There is a problem with the notes screen that we're fixing in the upcoming 4.9.4 update. We cannot duplicate any problem with the memorize tool, though. When you tap the verse number then tap "Memorize", an entry should be created in the "Memorize" notes folder. That's working for us in all our tests so far.


I tried to tap on verse and select memorize but I get an error message that says it already exists in folder.

I tried clearing all my notes folder under tools to see if that works but I still run into the same problem.

I can't add additional verses to my initial memorized verse I select from the bible.

Thanks, KKo
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

01/05/2011 05:18 PM  
Are you running iOS 3.x? I think we've resolved this problem in the upcoming 4.9.4 update, and it was only showing up on 3.x devices.
New Member
New Member

01/06/2011 02:11 AM  
In response to your question, I'm running iOS 4.2.1 on my IPad. I wait anxiously for next update because I really enjoy the Memorization feature.

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