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March 12, 2025
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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Mantis on iPad found empty after reboot (both buttons)
Last Post 04/23/2012 12:44 AM by burggraf. 1 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

04/22/2012 08:55 PM  
I closed Mantis this morning and did a complete reboot of the iPad ( using both buttons) to free up all memory. When I relaunched Mantis it was back to infancy. No purchases where there and no highlights, no notes. I've now come home and re-installed all of purchases, about 30 items. When I try and restore I find nothing on the server. I've lost all of my notes and highlights. My last back up was late last night. I usually backup multiple times each day as I use Mantis. HELP! :O :(
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/23/2012 12:44 AM  
We've resolved this with this user via our support email address (which is the proper place to report something like this.)

While we don't know what happened on his iPad regarding losing all downloaded content (it looks like a glitch with the OS) the issue with the backup was that he appeared to have tapped "Backup" / "Backup Now" with an empty set of files, creating an empty backup on our server. Be careful never to run the backup command with an empty set of files, as this overwrites your backup on the server with an empty one. Our server keeps backup copies, though, so we manually copied over the last good backup for him and he was all set.
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