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March 12, 2025
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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Crash on iOS 6 selecting a book
Last Post 10/02/2012 06:31 PM by Life Pastor. 2 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

06/16/2012 02:08 PM  
Hi, just reporting that Mantis Bible crashes on iOS 6 build 10A5316k (on iPhone 4S).
Yes, I am fully aware this is a beta, just letting you guys know.

Crash occurs when using the top toolbar to change books. The list of books show, but selecting one will cause a crash.
You can navigate to other books via any other method successfully, eg. repeated next/prev chapter, bookmarks, history, using the book scroller, etc.
Selecting a chapter from the top toolbar works.
Selecting other translations works.

It would be appreciated if you could fix this as I very frequently carry my test device with me, but of course understand if it's not done yet.

Besides this one bug, it looks like you guys are iOS 6 ready!
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

06/17/2012 01:14 AM  
Thanks, but we have plenty of iOS 6 bugs to fix -- and we're busy working on them. We appreciate your reports, though, and you can send them to support mantisbible com.
Life Pastor
Basic Member
Basic Member

10/02/2012 06:31 PM  
Most of my troubles after the iOS 6 (old iphone 4) install have been fixed with a delete and fresh load of Mantis. Although loading all my purchased volumes was time consuming.

Still having to use a work around with copy and paste with my ipad 3 though.

Thanks Mantis for the hard work. Looking forward to new releases.
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