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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Auto reference tags (linkable references) in Notes inconsistency
Last Post 01/29/2014 11:44 AM by omnifico. 0 Replies.
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01/29/2014 11:44 AM  
Auto linkable Bible references in Notes are inconsistent; sometimes links are created, sometimes they are not... Some times they are almost right, but not quite.

For example:

-- Example Start --

165.Study On 1 Tim. 4:1-7

1 Tim. 4:1.
In the last days some depart from the faith of the latter times,- third angel's message.

1 Tim. 4:1-3.
They depart from the faith in five definite things:-

1. Give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils,-become spiritualists.

-- Example End --

In the above example, only the second reference (1 Tim. 4:1.) works correctly. The other two only link to first verse, but not the range.

There are times when if in the same line you have the same Bible reference twice - only the first reference becomes linkable.

Please look into resolving this issue.
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