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February 12, 2025
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Mantis Bible Study Forums
net premium version - error
Last Post 10/22/2008 03:59 PM by joshualye. 4 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

10/15/2008 03:51 PM  

I download the new version. When i Press the * no notes appear !

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

10/16/2008 06:06 PM  

When this happens, one of two things will fix it:

  1. Time.  It's possible that the notes are still downloading in the background, and they just haven't finished yet.  Even after the bookshelf shows that the NETP Bible is installed, the notes file (which, in this case, is much larger than the Bible file itself) continues to download and install in the background.  After a few minutes (depending on your internet speed) the installation completes and the notes will then appear.
  2. Re-download.  If your notes file download didn't complete, just go to the bookshelf, swipe your finger over the NETP entry to delete it, then download it again.  Be sure to allow extra time so that the notes file has a chance to download.  (The app will appear to freeze for several seconds -- this is the notes file being uncompressed. -- Don't worry -- it's not really frozen, it's just working REALLY HARD!)


New Member
New Member

10/18/2008 02:34 PM  

thanks for the advice . I had to let run for about an hour. Why so long ? and finally the notes came out

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

10/20/2008 08:42 PM  

I've never heard of it taking this long -- on my iPhone it take about a minute or so.  It sounds like you have a really slow, or really inconsistent network connection.

Glad you got it working, though, and, on the bright side -- you only have to do it once!

New Member
New Member

10/22/2008 03:59 PM  

mine is ipod touch not iphone and i use my wireless broadband. The download is 1 minute. It is the unzipping thats takes so long. I afraid of new upgrade version.

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