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March 11, 2025
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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Add a Note bug
Last Post 04/02/2013 12:23 PM by latemarch. 5 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

08/08/2008 03:44 AM  

iPod Touch 2.0.1 and latest Mantis (where do you find the version number?)

When adding a note, if I tap where it says "Tap here..." near the top of the note edit window, the keyboard appears covering the note edit window, leaving the verse window visible.  Tapping lower in the note edit window correctly displays the keyboard below the note edit window.

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/08/2008 05:17 AM  

I've seen this a few times, but haven't been able to reproduce it yet.  It seems to me to happen on the first note you try to create, but not always.

Anyhow, if you DO get this, drag the verse UP and you'll see the screen where you can enter a note.

If anyone can reproduce this and give me steps to follow that'll make it happen every time -- I'd appreciate it.   So far, I've only seen it one time per installation, and I can't get it to happen again.


New Member
New Member

08/21/2008 04:41 AM  

I can't locate the version number either. As for the Note quirk, I've notice the same thing myself  several occasions (but I make a lot of notes). It's only a minor annoyance and easily worked around, so it never really bothered me. I either type in the blind and press done; or drag the screen up so I can see what I'm typing. I just tried to reproduce it, and was finally able to. The very first time I attemted it, it behaved just the way you described. But then the next half-a-dozen times, it worked fine. I even returned to the home screen and turned off the iPod Touch, but each time it worked fine. Then the final time, when I returned to the home screen, I opened another app, closed it, opened another app, closed it, returned to Mantis and when I attempted to add a note, it behaved in the buggy way (as you described) again.

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/21/2008 04:36 PM  


So I guess my question is this:  can you make this happen at will?  Can you reproduce it by following those steps so that each time, you see the bug?  If so -- I'm sure we can solve this.

Thanks so much for your help pinning this down!

New Member
New Member

03/26/2013 03:11 AM  

Reference: iPhone 5 running ver 4.9.18 update, Advanced Notes Page on.
If I add a new note folder and move a note from the default Note folder to the new folder using the edit feature
the note icon associated with the verse number disappears. If I move the note back to the Note folder the note icon reappears. What to do? Really need to be able to organize my verse notes into folders.

New Member
New Member

04/02/2013 12:23 PM  
"iPod Touch 2.0.1 and latest Mantis (where do you find the version number?)"

On my iPad it's Tools-Options- (scroll to the bottom) About.
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