[QUOTE]burggraf wrote
No, ordering of bookmarks was pushed down a bit in priority, as getting bookmark folders out (and, frankly, done correctly) was a lot more difficult than first thought. A toggle for sorting in scripture order or entry date/time is pretty easy, though. I'll see if we can slip that into 3.1.0 (due about a week or two after 3.0.1 was released).
Incidentally, nobody has commented yet on our bookmark folder interface decision(s) yet, so I'm taking that as a good thing :)
Basically, our choice was to not give the user a folder choice when creating a bookmark (like the way it works in Mobile Safari.) Instead, you create or select the current folder, then all newly created bookmarks go there.
Here's why: when I'm sitting in a sermon or a Bible study, I want to collect bookmarks for that session. I don't want to be asked "where should I put this bookmark?" every time I create one. That would distract me from the sermon (or study.) You can always go move the bookmarks to a different folder later, but I find it much quicker and less distracting to just choose a folder first, then start collecting bookmarks. This even works well for preparing lessons or studying.
I really like the way the folders are. I didn't realize right away, but it didn't take long before I realized what I could do with them. I made a folder for books where I'll be making a subfolder for each book of the Bible. Then I can easily find bookmarks for any book. Then another folder at the top level is for topics. In that folder I make subfolders for various tipical studies. I also put similar topical folders nested inside the books folder for topics within the book.