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February 28, 2025
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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Find verse in Matthew Henry Complete.
Last Post 02/28/2009 04:48 PM by burggraf. 3 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

02/28/2009 02:43 PM  
It's difficult to find the commentary text for a particular verse, or small section of scripture, in Matthew Henry Complete. I realize the commentary itself is not indexed by verse, but possibly it could be made at least easier. Could the "Analyze Verse" selection include the option of taking the user to the nearest section of the commentary. Currently "Analyze Verse" doesn't even offer the commentary.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

02/28/2009 03:28 PM  
If I understand you correctly, what I think you're saying is this: Say Henry has a comment on John 1:1-5, but no comments specifically on verses 2, 3, 4 or 5. And if you're on verse 5, you see "No entry." So the question is, how do you know that the commentary attached to verse 1 covers verse 5?

That's a good suggestion, and one we've discussed before. At this time, you'd have to hit the backward and forward arrows to look at the verses before or after the current one. But we'll look into other ways to solve this. Obviously, our software was designed to work best with commentators who comment on every verse individually. We can stretch it though to handle all sorts of different scenarios, though!
New Member
New Member

02/28/2009 03:47 PM  
I see now what you mean. I hadn't been using the verse finder directly from MHC. That will help some. I was navigating by tapping on verse number in the bible. Once in the MHC chapter, navigating a large chapter is very difficult. The right hand pull-down seems not to work.

How do the backward and forward arrows work for this? They are taking me to the previous/next chapters. I'm on version 3.1.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

02/28/2009 04:48 PM  
Ah, now things are starting to make sense for me. You're on 3.1, so my comments about the back and forward arrow buttons doesn't apply. In 4.0, when you are in "Analyze Verse" you can analyze the next or previous verse with those buttons, so if you were on verse 2 and hit the back arrow, you'd be analyzing verse 1.

The biggest problem with the MHC is just that it's so huge, it's hard to navigate. My dad had the complete set on his bookshelf, and it probably weighed 40 pounds and took up a complete shelf.

We're looking into updating the program in a future update to handle very, very large works such as this one. One thing we've discussed is the ability to break things down into much smaller chunks, or, in the case of a large commentary, paragraphs on a verse. This will be a challenge, but we're looking into it.
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