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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Navigation 4 Bass Fingers
Last Post 06/18/2009 02:41 PM by dbrook67. 2 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

04/18/2009 11:56 PM  
First of all, Great Program!!

I am really making use of this, but I've been having one problem. When I'm done playing bass in Church and open my "Bible" I often get lost when navigating to a verse with the hot corners because I have trouble "homing in" on my destination, especially the books. My big callused fingers end up getting me lost and I also found out that it's a very different experience with corner navigating when standing up.

I think it would make it easier for me if after a certain period of time of highlighting a target, the target gets "locked in" because I can hold onto my target for a long time, but it moves up or down one space when I lift my finger. Frustrating! Increasing the size of the text may work too, but I think a locking solution would be better. Maybe the highlighted text could become slightly larger and change color to indicate locking, and could be defeated by continuing to scroll.

Keep it up. Mantis is awesome!
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/20/2009 07:22 PM  
Thanks for the suggestion.

I also play bass in church. I grew up playing the string bass throughout school, so I can sympathize with your calluses!

New Member
New Member

06/18/2009 02:41 PM  
I agree ... I have big fingers anyway, and selecting a specific book using the corner navigation is cool but ALWAYS fails for me because as I lift my finger it jumps to the next book.
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