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March 12, 2025
Discussion Forums

Welcome to the Mantis Bible Study Discussion Forums!  This is the place to discuss the Mantis Bible Study for Apple iPhone and iPod Touch software, report bugs you find, request or ask questions about new software features, or request new Bible versions or other study tools.

Mantis Bible Study Forums
Purchase twice?
Last Post 03/18/2014 08:41 AM by jennadavis. 3 Replies.
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11/22/2012 02:26 AM  
I have a question.
First, I have been using Mantis as my one and only Bible program on my iPad. I am a Pastor and I have several commentaries I like to use during sermon prep. I have these books in physical form but don't like hauling them around in my bag to get damaged. I am so blessed to have found them ALL on Mantis.

My question is this...and please don't think I'm trying to be cheap. I have already purchased these volumes for my iPad. Is there any chance I can now download them for my new Android phone without paying a second time? If not, I understand. Just wont be able to use them on the phone.

thought I would ask. :)

pastor Tracy
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11/22/2012 03:00 AM  
Never mind. I got my answer. I got everything I already paid for. Awesome!:):D
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01/23/2013 01:11 PM  
this is just what i was looking for so i would have appreciated seeing an answer. I bought a new bible translation on my iphone and now am using an ipad. do i have to repurchase the translation or is there a way to download to the new device? when i try to get it, it just gives the price. thank you.
New Member
New Member

03/18/2014 08:41 AM  

There are a lot of people who have already purchased an iphone even way back then. If you have plans of buying a brand new phone, try availing an iphone because it is one of the latest gadgets in the market. The iPhone is one fashionable smartphone. It has been the handset of choice for the “hipper” in our midst for some time, but there is something to give one pause about buying one. Namely, they are fragile, a fussbudget, and costly to repair, as one study estimates upward of $5.9 billion has been spent on iPhone fixes since the phone was launched in 2007. A cash advance will help you pay for your phone bill this month. If you need help financially, try availing a cash advance right now. You will be able to buy a brand new phone.
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