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March 12, 2025
Discussion Forums

Welcome to the Mantis Bible Study Discussion Forums!  This is the place to discuss the Mantis Bible Study for Apple iPhone and iPod Touch software, report bugs you find, request or ask questions about new software features, or request new Bible versions or other study tools.

Mantis Bible Study Forums
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Last Post 03/13/2013 02:34 PM by straatsma. 0 Replies.
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03/13/2013 02:34 PM  
I've been an avid user of the Mantis bible software. At first on iPod Touch 1st gen. Later on came the iPad. I eventually sold my iPad and bought an Eeepad Slider as of November 2011. Unfortunately Mantis wasn't available for Android at the time. I'm glad it is now.

I especially like the straightforward approach of displaying different modules (dics, comments, etc) on demand. I also use Olive Tree but I personally find the hassling with different screens annoying. In depth study has never been easier with Mantis Bible Study Softwear. You've made it possible to really focus on God's Word with minimum distraction. I thank you for that.

I'm no pastor but a business owner. You can understand why I value the straightforward approach, here. I read a lot on my Kindle and use Mantis for studying purposes. Although I live in the Netherlands, reading in English has never bothered me or marred my perception of God's Word.
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