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Mantis Bible Study Forums
Blank screen
Last Post 08/03/2009 01:04 AM by burggraf. 11 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

02/02/2009 09:19 PM  

There have been a couple times that my screen is blank except the upper and lower toolbars. The screen would have a chapter from the Bible. I need to navigate to another chapter and then I can go back and it is there. I don't remember what I was doing before getting the blank screen. It has only happened a couple times and isn't a big problem. Overall I think version 4 is more stable.

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

02/02/2009 09:30 PM  

Please let us know if you somehow discover exactly when / how this happens.  Once we can take steps to repeat a problem, we can almost certainly solve it.

New Member
New Member

02/03/2009 04:20 AM  

I started out with a more complicated routine to get the blank screen, but I got it down to a fairly simple one.

1. Start off with the highlight bar turned off.

2. Turn the highlight bar on.

3. Go to full screen mode.

4. Use lower right hot corner to switch to another version (or even select the version you were in).

5. Scrool down chapter.

6. Exit program.

7. Boot program and you should have the blank screen. You can get the text back either by navigating to another chapter, or it will come back if you x out the highlight bar.

It may not be necessary to scroll down in the chapter in step 5, but it seems to make it more certain to make it work. I am using the NASS with the KJV. I also have the GWHS. The blank screen doesn't seem to appear when switching to the GWHS. It happens when using the hot corner from full screen mode to switch to either the NASS or KJV from any version that I have.



Basic Member
Basic Member

02/03/2009 04:47 AM  

Good work! I have gotten the blank screen probably 8 to 10 times over quite a lot of use, but have not been able to come up with the steps to get it to repeat on demand. I typically got it going from notes or I think bookmarks to "Read," never related to using the highlighter. I got it to repeat following your steps but only if I scrolled down the chapter. Changing the screen from portrait to landscape and back to portrait also causes the text to redisplay. 

New Member
New Member

02/03/2009 01:52 PM  

It seems I can get the screen by doing any kind of navigation with the highlight bar off, then turn the highlight bar on, exit program, restart program. This navigation can be from bookmarks or probably from links in notes. So it looks like it isn't anything to do with the hot corner.

If you think you get the blank screen in any other way, try going to full screen mode by double tapping the screen and see if the highlight bar isn't active on the bottom line where it was hiding behind the lower toolbar.

Maybe if the hiding toolbar problem is fixed, the blank screen might be also.

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

02/03/2009 07:02 PM  

Excellent work.  We're working on this now and I'll let you know what we find.

Thanks so much!

New Member
New Member

02/07/2009 06:27 PM  
Good morning. This forum is fantastic.

I ordered and downloaded the CWS program. Within a day the triangular search button for the books of the Bible was blank though the three triangular buttons were good. This spilled over to the other Bible versions as well. The only way to correct was reboot. But the problem returned immediately.

I uninstalled the CWS; but when the entire Mantis program failed to open even when rebooting. I have had to delete it from the iPhone. I'm out ministering this weekend and sadly my number one Bible program is not with me.

Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.

Grace and peace,
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

02/07/2009 07:11 PM  
The CWS requires that you do a "Check for Updates" / "Get Updates" before you download it. Did you try that?

If you're using a beta version of Mantis, which I think you are, you should post in the new forum specifically for Beta Testers.

New Member
New Member

03/08/2009 12:52 AM  
Posted By hoj on 02/03/2009 05:52 AM

It seems I can get the screen by doing any kind of navigation with the highlight bar off, then turn the highlight bar on, exit program, restart program. This navigation can be from bookmarks or probably from links in notes. So it looks like it isn't anything to do with the hot corner.

If you think you get the blank screen in any other way, try going to full screen mode by double tapping the screen and see if the highlight bar isn't active on the bottom line where it was hiding behind the lower toolbar.

Maybe if the hiding toolbar problem is fixed, the blank screen might be also.


Tonight I got the blank screen. I switched to full screen mode to see if the highlight bar was hidden at the bottom. It wasn't. Even though I can duplicate the blank screen in connection with the highlight bar, apparently there is another way to trigger the blank screen.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

03/08/2009 12:59 AM  
I believe this has been addressed and fixed in our 4.1 version, currently in a final beta test phase.
New Member
New Member

08/02/2009 11:34 PM  
I get a very similar problem in version 4.2.0, but I don't know how to reliably reproduce it. I've just spent the week at the Keswick convention and have used Mantis to make notes during the Bible studies. On about 4 of the days, after exiting the note editor, I've been faced with no text on the bible page. I can change books/chapters/verses but no text appears on the page. The only way to get text back was to exit the program and restart.

On all of the occasions I'd spent about 45mins making a global note in the note editor, rather than an inline note. This was the easiest way of making thematic notes.

On all of the occasions the notes ended up being at least 500 words, if this helps any.

I also wasn't doing anything else special

1. start Mantis
2. Read the passage (using NASB)
3. Go to note editor
4. Open a global note
5. type a lot
6. Save the note
7. Backup notes just in case
8. Return to read page, and there's no text.

Have fun trying to track that one down. :-)

God bless

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/03/2009 01:04 AM  
So if you follow these steps a number of times, can you make it happen?

Also, do you have an iPod Touch or an iPhone? And if an iPhone is it a first generation, a 3G, or a 3GS?
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